Good Evening
I'd like to share a new goal I have in the PC field. I have been saving for some time now to expand my home network and invest in a used or refurbished PC. I am in a place where the funds are gathered. Now what I need is to do a bit of research and actually make a decision about what to buy.
I'm leaning in the direction of either an Inter server or a Dell or HP workstation. These PCs are usually around the equivalent of 1000 dollars and have a bit of calculating power. Some can even surprise you with what one such machine can calculate in a short amount of time. Even models from around 4 to 5 years ago have performed well enough for my needs. Another thing that will be a crazy to do with this PC is installing on it Linux. As Windows 10 is at the end of its support and I will not migrate that easily to Windows 11 (this older PC will definitely not allow such an upgrade), I have no real choice in the matter. It might hinder on me making new images and providing you all with fresh content, but it will pay off at the end of the year as I will have a PC that will offload rendering of the PC I use to make images/video projects etc. and will allow me to work effectively as rendering will happen in parallel time.